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Meyer Burger公司贏得了超過6000萬CHF的韓國客戶訂單

   2010-07-23 Meyer burger21世紀新能源17720

總部位于瑞士的Meyer Burger公司和Hennecke 系統(tǒng)公司成功的獲取了廠區(qū)位于韓國的Nexolon公司6000萬CHF(5700萬美元)的線鋸,ID-鋸和硅片檢驗系統(tǒng)訂單。
Nexolon公司計劃在明年擴張其850MW的生產(chǎn)能力到1G瓦,在供貨聲明中Meyer Burger講的,“為使Nexolon公司產(chǎn)能在2011年年底達到1GW,該公司將倚賴與來自Meyer Burger和Hennecke Systems公司提供的高科技生產(chǎn)設備?!?/P>

Meyer Burger wins order for over CHF 60 million with Korean customer
Switzerland-based Meyer Burger Ltd and Hennecke Systems GmbH have successfully concluded a contract of over CHF 60 million (around USD$57 million, ?4.3 million) for wire saws, ID-saws and wafer inspection systems with mono- and multi-crystalline solar wafer manufacturer Nexolon in Korea.

The companies will provide Nexolon with wafer equipment. Image: Meyer Burger Ltd.
Nexolon plans to expand its production capacity from 850 megawatts (MW) to one gigawatt (GW) next year. In a statement, Meyer Burger said: “For the expansion of its production facility to 1GW by the end of 2011, Nexolon relies on the high-tech manufacturing equipment from Meyer Burger Ltd and Hennecke Systems GmbH.”
Nexolon, headquartered in Seoul, Korea, was established in 2007. Its production plant is located in Iksan, Korea.

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