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Solarfun 子公司取得約60億元人民幣信貸額度

   2010-07-21 ne21.com21世紀新能源13250

Solarfun Power宣布,旗下子公司Jiangsu Linyang Solarfun取得信貸額度,從上海銀行南京分行金額不超過60億元人民幣,這份協(xié)議為期五年。

Solarfun Power Holdings Co., Ltd. today announced that Jiangsu Linyang Solarfun Co., Ltd. has obtained a credit facility in the amount not exceeding RMB 6 billion, or an equivalent amount of foreign currency, from Bank of Shanghai, Nanjing branch. The contract has a term of 5 years. Specific drawdowns against this facility are subject to internal review and approval by the Bank.

Gareth Kung, Chief Financial Officer of Solarfun, commented, "We are pleased to expand our partnership with Bank of Shanghai and view this new credit facility as an important component of our long term financial plan. It provides us with the capital resources and flexibility to continue to grow our business aggressively in the future, including capacity expansions, investments in technology, branding and project financing."


標簽: Solarfun
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