可再生能源實驗室的一份報告顯示:在不需要額外投資的情況下,到2017年,太陽能和風力發(fā)電就能滿足 亞利桑那州、懷俄明州、新墨西哥州、科羅拉多州、內華達州 五個州的35%的電力需求。
According to a report by NREL, solar and wind energy could meet in 2017 - 35% of electricity demand in five states without any further investment in new infrastructure.
By 2017, in less than seven years, solar and wind power will be able to meet 35% of the electricity demand of a large Western area of the USA, namely in five states: Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada .
Specifically, wind turbines could satisfy 30% and solar power 5% of the demand, according to the report entitled Western Wind and Solar Integration Study, compiled by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the leading research agency of the US Department of Energy.
According to the study, in order to achieve this result in such a short time, the investment already made in wind farm and solar infrastructure will be sufficient. Nevertheless, the latter must undergo a structural reorganization and, specifically, improved coordination on a great number of issues among the various energy companies and more frequent update of energy supply planning.
“Research shows that, with these key changes, wind and solar power could be incorporated onto the grid without a lot of backup generation. Coordinating operations between utilities on a large area decreases the effect of variability of wind and solar energy resources”, said Dr. Debra Lew, NREL project manager for the study.
Moreover, according to the report, even a less ambitious target - 27% of the electricity, instead of 35% - would be enough to lower carbon dioxide emissions by 25 to 45%.
The study complements the similar recently released report (Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study), which examines the feasibility of integrating a 30% share of wind energy also in the eastern states.
Specifically, wind turbines could satisfy 30% and solar power 5% of the demand, according to the report entitled Western Wind and Solar Integration Study, compiled by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the leading research agency of the US Department of Energy.
According to the study, in order to achieve this result in such a short time, the investment already made in wind farm and solar infrastructure will be sufficient. Nevertheless, the latter must undergo a structural reorganization and, specifically, improved coordination on a great number of issues among the various energy companies and more frequent update of energy supply planning.
“Research shows that, with these key changes, wind and solar power could be incorporated onto the grid without a lot of backup generation. Coordinating operations between utilities on a large area decreases the effect of variability of wind and solar energy resources”, said Dr. Debra Lew, NREL project manager for the study.
Moreover, according to the report, even a less ambitious target - 27% of the electricity, instead of 35% - would be enough to lower carbon dioxide emissions by 25 to 45%.
The study complements the similar recently released report (Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study), which examines the feasibility of integrating a 30% share of wind energy also in the eastern states.